How does a song qualify for The Great British Song Book?


The song must satisfy the first two criteria and any of the remaining criteria

1. Either the music composer or the lyricist must come from the British Isles.
2. The song must have enduring popularity.
3. The song should be considered influential.
4. The song is considered as important .


Definition of Great Britain in English Oxford Dictionary:
Great Britain
Line breaks: Great Brit|ain

England, Wales, and Scotland considered as a unit. The name is also often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom.

Great Britain is the name for the island that comprises England, Scotland, and Wales, although the term is also used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is a political unit that includes these countries and Northern Ireland. The British Isles is a geographical term that refers to the United Kingdom, Ireland, and surrounding smaller islands such as the Hebrides and the Channel Islands.

Enduring Popularity

Line breaks: en|dur | ing

Lasting over a period of time; durable:

Line breaks: popu¦lar|ity


The state or condition of being liked, admired, or supported by many people: